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Neopol Film, Kellner & Zapf GbR

Edisonstraße 19  |  60388 Frankfurt  |  Germany


+49 6109 - 69 89 973


+49 6109 - 37 88 32


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Neopol Film is a film production company based in Frankfurt/Germany. Our vision is to shed a spotlight on society's normalities and weirdnesses, edginess and fragility. Our medium is film, our way is compelling stories that make you laugh and cry. 


We develop film, serial, and documentary projects in close collaboration with European and International partners. We know that stories transcend borders and we believe in the power of collaborative work.


Our projects include a wide range of genres from independent features, series and other fictional content to stand-alone and serial documentaries.

Tonio Kellner_edited_edited.jpg

Tonio Kellner

Portrait of Jakob Zapf

Jakob Zapf

Portrait of Andrea Simml

Andrea Simml

Tonio Kellner is a producer and writer. He is a member of the ALP Network, the ICAP of the Canadian Media Producer Association and the European Film Academy. In 2023 he took part in the ACE Mentorship program and is part of the 2024 Inside Pictures cohort.


Jakob Zapf is a writer-director-producer. His first feature A HANDFUL OF WATER had its cinema release in 2021 and is currently available on VOD. He is a member of the German Directors Guild and the German Producers Association Produzentenverband where he is delegate for the Hessen region.


Andrea Simml is a production executive, long-time-entrepreneur, expert accountant, as well as a studied art historian. For more than a decade she successfully heads Frankfurt's biggest firm for cultural advertising providing a network of ambient- and ooh-media displays. She's the CFO at Neopol.

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Vielen Dank für das Abonnement!

Neopol Film is a proud member of:

Logo Produzentenverband
Logo Filmhaus Frankfurt
Logo Atelier Network
Logo Film- und Kinobüro



We are currently not looking for new members to our team. Unsolicited applications will not be considered.


If you are a school or university student looking for an internship in film production, please send us your informative application in German or English via email to:



Please send your submission via e-mail directly to the person within Neopol Film you previously discussed your project with.


Neopol Film does not accept or review unsolicited material of any kind. Unsolicited material being (but not limited to) any ideas, concepts, pitches, character suggestions, stories, treatments, outlines, scripts, formats, artwork, photographs, audiovisual works, musical compositions, sound recordings, and/or any other similar works not previously discussed with us or recommended to us by an established film professional. Any unsolicited material received by Neopol Film by any means, including by e-mail, will be immediately deleted or destroyed or returned unread at Neopol Film's sole discretion.

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